Audi A7 3.0 TDI Biturbo. It even sounds hot.
Add to the list of the best diesels among all diesels, the new car – 3.0 TDI Biturbo. This is a miracle, not a car!
A ride can add some spice to your everyday life, its massive torque, desired sound and reliable design make this large four-door Audi one of the best on the shopping list.
The Biturbo adds an incredible wild sound to this formula, even better than many gasoline variations. Don’t believe it? Let’s not joke around! You should check it out!
We have already suffered to share with you the righteous works with this car.
Very recently we installed chip tuning on Audi A7 3.0 TDI Biturbo. The stand showed stock measurements: 317Hp and 671Nm.
After Stage1 Audi, the car left with new specifications: 390Hp and 768Nm. The car received an increase of: +73Hp and +97Nm. A worthy result!
Do you want more power for your Audi?
We at UPstage guarantee this result for our friends and clients. Proven and demonstrated, come to us to see and get such a result for your car.