чип тюнинг Seat Altea XL 1.6d чип тюнинг Seat Altea XL 1.6d

Stage1 Seat Altea XL 1.6d

  • Original: (108 hp, 265 Nm)
  • UPstage: (147 hp, 329 Nm)

If you are looking for a family, reliable and not too expensive car, the answer is one – Seat Altea XL. Altea XL – this is a giant version of the popular five-seater passenger SEAT. It is almost 19 cm longer than the standard car, and while this may sound a bit, these numbers significantly increase the space at the back. And this provides more leg room and luggage space.

As for the technical characteristics, recently we had a Seat Altea XL 1.6d visit us at Upstage for chip tuning.

On the dyno stand, the Seat showed stock measurements: 108Hp and 265Nm.

After the Stage1 tuning, the indicators increased by +39Hp and +65Nm.

The car left with new characteristics: 147Hp and 329Nm.

Want more power for your Seat?

We at UPstage guarantee this result for our friends and clients. Tested and proven, come to us to see for yourself and get such a result for your car.

чип тюнинг Seat Altea XL 1.6d